Metadata 290

This view service shows spatial data for all protected sites according to the theme No. 9 mentioned in Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive (2007/2/EC) that are gathered by Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic. Namely the service displays Natura 2000 sites, IUCN protected areas, UNESCO biosphere reserves, ramsar sites and other nationally protected areas (buffer zones of specially protected areas, contract protected areas); © NCA CR (AOPK ČR), 2013 - 2020
Metadata Contact: Jan Votrubec, Date Stamp: 2020-12-06
The map service displays - (1) grid distribution of species of community interest (EEA reference grid, 1 x 1 km grid cell) on the territory of the Czechia. The distribution had been compiled from data of species reports 2013. © NCA CR (AOPK ČR), 2013
Metadata Contact: Alena Šťovíčková, Date Stamp: 2020-12-06
Web feature service provides access to layers of internationally significant natural areas designated in the Czech Republic - Ramsar sites, UNESCO Geoparks, Biosphere Reserves, EECONET, areas under Carpathian Convention. © AOPK ČR
Metadata Contact: Alena Šťovíčková, Date Stamp: 2020-11-11
Služba zobrazuje sídla a hranice územních obvodů pracovišť AOPK ČR; © AOPK ČR
Metadata Contact: Alena Šťovíčková, Date Stamp: 2020-11-11
Služba zobrazuje zvláště a smluvně chráněná území v České republice; © AOPK ČR
Metadata Contact: Alena Šťovíčková, Date Stamp: 2020-11-13
Služba zobrazuje vymezení migrační propustnosti krajiny pro velké savce v České republice (výstup projektu VaV SP/2d4/36/08); © AOPK ČR
Metadata Contact: Alena Šťovíčková, Date Stamp: 2020-11-13
Služba zobrazuje hranice soustavy chráněných území evropského významu Natura 2000 v České republice; © AOPK ČR
Metadata Contact: Alena Šťovíčková, Date Stamp: 2020-11-13
ELF Cadastre provides a simplified and harmonised view of information such as footprints of cadastral parcels geometry, addresses, buildings and the boundaries between neighbouring administrative units for pan-European use: in land administration domain such as agriculture, spatial planning, environmental, infrastructure and utilities management, public land management, risk and security services, socioeconomic data and cartography in general. ELF Cadastre aims to provide official cadastral reference data ...
Date Stamp: 2020-12-04
View service (WMS), which enables viewing of cadastral map both in digital and analogue form. For analogue form georeferenced scaned maps (raster form) and centroids of parcels are displayed, furthermore it enables to display layer of approved survey sketches. The service is publicly available, free-of-charge and covers the whole territory of the Czech Republic. The service fulfils the OGC WMS 1.1.1 and 1.3.0 standards.
Date Stamp: 2020-12-04
Prohlížecí služba (WMS) znázorňující stav a postup digitalizace katastrálních území, přehled kladu mapových listů a území s analogovou/vektorovou katastrální mapou. Služba splňuje standard OGC WMS 1.3.0.
Date Stamp: 2020-12-04
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